SJX is one of the few people worth reading.

May 21, 2021,18:49 PM

Most journalists in the watch industry ask awful questions and really only possess a small amount of knowledge about the subject.  They're assigned by their editors to cover a watch show when many of them have no personal interest in watches at all.  And I've sat through the press conference listening to their awful questions that show a superficial level of understanding (actually no level of understanding, and incorrect understanding).  SJX is one of the few who has truely deep knowledge about the subject. 

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Another fantastic article on SJX

 By: mhz vph : May 21st, 2021-17:58
This time on the subject of Rolex's Chronergy technology. With all of the talk of waitlists and absurd secondhand prices, it is very tempting (and understandably so) to want to completely avoid the brand. However, it is worth remembering that they are one... 

Thanks for sharing.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 21st, 2021-18:17
Such a dense article, I feel like I need a PhD in micro-physics just to understand it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But it’s good to see Rolex to continue to push the envelope, even when they don’t need to (financially).

It is on the technical side πŸ˜‚

 By: mhz vph : May 21st, 2021-18:36
Despite being in school for aerospace engineering, I can't completely understand everything either. But the graphics make it easy to see how chronergy differs from a standard lever escapement, and like you said, just the fact that Rolex is still innovatin... 

SJX is one of the few people worth reading.

 By: patrick_y : May 21st, 2021-18:49
Most journalists in the watch industry ask awful questions and really only possess a small amount of knowledge about the subject. They're assigned by their editors to cover a watch show when many of them have no personal interest in watches at all. And I'... 

Couldn't agree more

 By: mhz vph : May 21st, 2021-19:13
They are pretty much the only outlet I visit consistently now. They have no frills coverage of new releases, as well as great in-depth articles like this one. And, best of all, none of the ridiculous thinkpieces and irrelevant celebrity appearances that h... 

I resist posting those celebrity watch photographs...

 By: patrick_y : May 22nd, 2021-04:11
I wouldn't want to see them. And I'm not swayed by celebrity opinions, as most of them don't have an expertise in watches better than the average person here... It's almost shameful that a brand would parade a celebrity to sell their product. Unless that ... 

Thank you and the other mods

 By: mhz vph : May 22nd, 2021-21:04
For keeping the forum clean of such material!

You're most welcome. Our audience isn't the type to be highly persuaded by a celebrity endorsement...

 By: patrick_y : May 22nd, 2021-21:11
I like to think our readers buy and enjoy watches from big brands and obscure brands due to the qualities and performance of the timepiece. And that for the most part, we realize when a brand is using puffery to market their product. I wished marketing ha... 

Advertising is annoyingly effective

 By: mhz vph : May 23rd, 2021-05:13
For even the most sophisticated audience. You can't even trust the maxim "buy what you like" because good advertising has the power to influence what you like! One has to start analyzing exactly why they like what they like, which can be difficult to pin ... 

Generally, I like high brow advertisements...

 By: patrick_y : May 23rd, 2021-17:29
Advertisements that portray a sense of lifestyle to me is very desirable. But then this also runs the risk of alienating a certain part of the clientele, as most of the clientele does not fit into that lifestyle. Advertisements that show a celebrity endor... 

I read it a couple of days ago. It was quite a intense read. Bravo!

 By: Reuven Malter : May 21st, 2021-22:50
I fully agree with your opinion. But its easy to invest in a movement when you know that you will sell it 900 000 x 15 (years) ;-)


 By: mhz vph : May 22nd, 2021-02:37
I suppose that's how the Rolex engineers convinced the financial department to let them make it. "Who cares, you know it'll sell no matter what!"

Glad you liked it

 By: mhz vph : May 22nd, 2021-21:06
Reading it definitely makes me want to pick up a chronergy equipped rolex, perhaps the new OP. But I'll need to earn some spending money before that happens

Thanks for your kind words everyone.

 By: Velociphile - No longer in the building : May 22nd, 2021-09:14