Well kudos to you for choosing it as well! Cheers

May 10, 2024,10:19 AM

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At long last, it’s FPJ Friday! Let’s see them beauties

 By: Lankysudanese : May 9th, 2024-20:04
Is it time yet? The double barrels are locked and loaded, but 6 odd minutes to go At long last! It’s Friday. Hussam ...  

This is such a beautiful watch Hussam!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 9th, 2024-22:36

That means a lot, coming from you!

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-04:53
But I can’t take credit for designing the watch, just for picking it. Have a good weekend ahead, my friend

Well kudos to you for choosing it as well! Cheers

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 10th, 2024-10:19

Perfection in simplicity.

 By: gary_g : May 9th, 2024-22:45
Love my CS. ...  

That’s the more versatile version. Love it.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-04:54
“Simpliciity is the ultimate sophistication”, someone is quoted to say

Super clean watch!

 By: M4 : May 10th, 2024-00:21
The backdrops to your photos were interesting. I would not give the sumo wrestlers a snowball's chance in hell against that stern-looking bell captain M4

Yes, he stands no chance; the high split is just bluffing.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-04:56
My sister is currently touring Japan with her husband, so I pulled out this coffee table book to learn more about the country. Then came the FPJ Friday theme. Thanks for looking

Great kick off, my friend. I love those pictues of your beatiful CS. Fun back ground 🤗

 By: ChristianDK : May 10th, 2024-04:39
. Here it is still early morning here but this is what Im sportting today.i have completely fallen in love with it all over. Happy Friday to You all. Christian ...  

Thanks Christian. I can only imagine the crispness of the morning air, where you are. It’s getting very hot here.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-05:02
The CB is a super icon at this point. I could have joined you back in 2015, but the priorities were different back then Have a good weekend ...  

Yes, lovely crisp and mild.

 By: ChristianDK : May 10th, 2024-07:48
We have all had to prioritize in life and many things are much more important than watches. I have to say that it looks great on you nonetheless. HAGWE


 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-12:27
Pay for kids’ school of get a CB… 🤪😜😂

Well the only option now is secondary market.

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-14:23
And while the prices have come down to around 85k usd, it’s still a bit much.

Market value is objective and value to oneself is subjective, but I tend to live by a “one watch per brand” rule.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-15:23
That being said, a close friend’s CB’s is one text away if I’d like to call it mine (and I know how deep a discount he got on it back then 😝)

This is what’s great about collecting.

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-15:52
I’m exact opposite. Except a few pieces that have emotional meaning to me, I’m only focused on Rolex, Patek and FPJ. While there are other watches I’d love to add, my next watch is likely to be a Patek (just need some event to make it work 🤪).

Sorry not sorry 😜🤪😝

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-16:05
Truth is that pam0010 has a sentimental meaning for me. While I still love the brand, I do feel like they aren’t being true to their roots right now. So I’m not so into the modern day iterations. But I still love the military style watches they make.

Btw, a very suave patient of mine today saw the CS on my wrist and immediately said:

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-16:04
“Cool watch, undoubtedly a Patek!” I didn’t correct him, and took it as a compliment (I don’t personally own any Patek’s - got the wife a 6119R)

I’ve seen so many amazing watches on patients.

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-16:06
Especially those from mid east. Things I’ve only seen in magazines and watch blogs.

Such a beauty.

 By: hora12reborn : May 10th, 2024-20:32

My official FPJ Friday photo

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-11:50
Stock in GWB traffic. ...  

That makes the count: 2 CS’s and one CB.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-12:21
Let’s see how things progress for this roll call

Wish Siri could tell stock from stuck …

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-12:28
I guess I’ll be watching the market closely today 😜


 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-13:09

You know I love that one.

 By: Jay (Eire) : May 10th, 2024-12:29
I have that Monocle book too 😂 Here’s what I will share. Admittedly from earlier this week as I have the Octo (see my post this AM) on the wrist today. The CB did get a lot of wrist time this week and over the last few weeks actually. ...  

Knew more CB’s will surface, and you wear this one very well.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-12:44
Still miss your CTS, though. Funnily, I’ve worn that same strap on my CS before

It’s a great strap for your CS.

 By: Jay (Eire) : May 10th, 2024-12:51
And I like it a lot on my CB too; for those “all blue” days.

Beautiful CS!

 By: BMR : May 10th, 2024-13:38
And Japan is the top of my list for travel destinations. Cheers to all, and have a great weekend. ...  

😮 😮 🤯

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-13:48
Very happy to see the new addition (if I’m not mistaken) still commanding some wrist time. Looks at home in this casual snap. What are you double splitting (chronometrically)?

Thank you very much. The honeymoon is still going strong.

 By: BMR : May 10th, 2024-15:01
It’s been hard to take off, honestly. Really enjoying getting to know it. Nothing being split here. I suppose I just like to remind myself of the ability to do so. 😄

Love this. HAGWE

 By: ChristianDK : May 10th, 2024-13:57

Looks great!

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-14:22

Happy F.P. Friday! Here's another CB

 By: Skyrider01 : May 10th, 2024-16:40
HAGWE ...  

The elusive olive strap. Fantastic.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-17:00
That makes it 3 CB’s and 2 CS’s. More must be lurking around

Did you say olive strap?

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : May 10th, 2024-18:07
Wearing mine today on the CB... ...  

Knew you’d roll by with an FPJ, or two or three

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-18:51
. I’m curious as to how your Havana handles different [colored] straps

The Havana is not as versatile as other dials

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : May 10th, 2024-19:01
The few that I've tried so far... ...  

I also had both the CB and CS on earlier this week...

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : May 10th, 2024-18:09

My oh my 😍🤯.

 By: Lankysudanese : May 10th, 2024-18:52
Huge fan of that Havana. Does that make it 4 CB’s and 3 CS’s, or does the Havana command its own category?

I love the Havana dial.

 By: gary_g : May 10th, 2024-22:34
Esp with platinum as you have it here. I begged for it but it’s so hard to get from FPJ. Just beautiful. Very unique.

Very elegant watch.

 By: hora12reborn : May 10th, 2024-20:34